The Bonaire Bird List
The Bonaire Bird List presents Bonaire’s birds, those most commonly encountered on Bonaire, as well as some which might be observed during migration seasons.
The Bonaire Bird List: Your Ultimate Guide to Island Birding
Use the Bonaire Bird List to identify your bird encounters.
Are you planning a birding adventure on Bonaire? The Bonaire Bird List is your essential companion! This comprehensive online resource provides all the information you need to identify the feathered wonders you encounter on the island.
The Bonaire Bird List Goes Beyond Identification
Featuring over 150 images of birds that might be observed on Bonaire, you’ll also find their scientific and common names in English, Dutch, and Papiamentu. Sound recordings of vocalizations are provided, if available, but it doesn’t stop there!
The Bonaire Bird List offers valuable details about each species, including:
Discover if a bird is a permanent resident, a migratory visitor during spring or fall, or a rare overwintering guest.
The Bonaire Bird List can give you a sense of how common each bird is on Bonaire, helping you manage your birding expectations.
Breeding Status
Learn if a particular species breeds on the island, adding another layer of interest to your sightings.
Points of Interest
Find fascinating facts or unique behaviors associated with each bird species.
More Birds, More Birding Fun
The Bonaire Bird List goes beyond resident species. It also includes birds you might encounter during migratory/over-wintering seasons, offering a chance to spot something truly special. Several rarities are listed as well.
Plan Your Birding Adventure with the Bonaire Bird List
While the eBird checklist boasts an impressive 250 bird species reported on Bonaire (use the button to download it), the Bonaire Bird List focuses on the birds you’re most likely to see.
Bonaire Bird List by Taxonomy |
Black-bellied Whistling-DuckDendrocygna autumnalis Dutch: Zwarbuikfluiteend Papiamentu: Patu pidjidji barika pretu ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ locally fairly common ⋅ least concern Whistle Call: Call: |
Comb DuckSarkidiornis melanotos Dutch: Amerikaanse knobbeleend Papiamentu: Patu bolobonchi ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiaca Dutch: Nijlgans Papiamentu: No known equivalent ⋅ non-breeding feral visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Blue-winged TealSpatula discors Dutch: Blauwvleugeltaling Papiamentu: Patu moreke ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Northern ShovelerSpatula clypeata Dutch: Slobeend Papiamentu: Patu boka hanchu ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
American WigeonMareca americana Dutch: Amerikaanse Smient Papiamentu: Patu merikano ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
White-cheeked PintailAnas bahamensis Dutch: Bahamapijlstaart Papiamentu: Patu di ana ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ locally fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Green-winged TealAnas crecca Dutch: Amerikaanse wintertaling Papiamentu: Patu ala berde ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Ring-necked DuckAythya collaris Dutch: Ringsnaveleend Papiamentu: Patu boka mancha ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Lesser ScaupAythya affinis Dutch: Kleine Topper Papiamentu: Patu toper chiki ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ fairly scarce ⋅ least concern |
American FlamingoPhoenicopterus ruber Dutch: Caribische Flamingo Papiamentu: Chogogo ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Pied-billed GrebePodilymbus podiceps Dutch: Dikbekfuut Papiamentu: Sambuyado pik diki ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ locally uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Least GrebeTachybaptus dominicus Dutch: Amerikaanse Dodaars Papiamentu: Sambuyado chiki ⋅ breeding visitor ⋅ locally rare ⋅ least concern |
Rock PigeonColumba livia Dutch: Rotsduif Papiamentu: Palomba ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern ⋅ introduced |
Scaly-naped PigeonPatagioenas squamosa Dutch: Roodhalsduif Papiamentu: Palomba di baranka ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern Call: Song: |
Bare-eyed PigeonPatagioenas corensis Dutch: Naaktoogduif Papiamentu: Ala blanka ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Common Ground DoveColumbina passerina Dutch: Musduif Papiamentu: Totolika ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
White-tipped DoveLeptotila verreauxi Dutch: Verreaux' Duif Papiamentu: Jiwiri ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern Territorial Call: Song: |
Eared DoveZenaida auriculata Dutch: Geoorde Teurduif Papiamentu: Patrushi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
White-winged DoveZenaida asiatica Dutch: Witvleugeltreurduif Papiamentu: No known equivalent ⋅ non-breeding vagrant ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
CUCULIFORMES: Otidimorphae |
Greater AniCrotophaga major Dutch: Groete ani Papiamentu: Chuchubi pretu mayo ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Groove-billed AniCrotophaga sulcirostris Dutch: Groefsnavelani Papiamentu: Chuchubi pretu ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ locally fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Smooth-billed AniCrotophaga ani Dutch: Kleine ani Papiamentu: Chuchubi pretu pico lisp ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Yellow-billed CuckooCoccyzus americanus Dutch: Geelsnavelkoekoek Papiamentu: Kuku pik hel ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ infrequent ⋅ least concern |
White-collared SwiftStreptoprocne zonaris Dutch: Witkraaggierzwaluw Papiamentu: No known equivalent ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Ruby-topaz HummingbirdChrysolampis mosquitus Dutch: Muskietkolibrie Papiamentu: Blenchi-dormasol (male), Blenchi-hudio (female) ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Blue-tailed EmeraldChlorostilbon mellisugus Dutch: Blauwstaartsmaragdkolibrie Papiamentu: Blenchi berde ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
GRUIFORMES: Rallidae |
SoraPorzana carolina Dutch: Soraral Papiamentu: Gaitu Sora ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Common GallinuleGallinula galeata Dutch: Amerikaanse Waterhoen Papiamentu: Gaitu pik kora ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
American CootFulica americana Dutch: Amerikaanse Meerkoet Papiamentu: Gaitu pik blanku ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Purple GallinulePorphyrio martinica Dutch: Amerikaans Purperhoen Papiamentu: Gaitu bina ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
CHARADRIIFORMES: Recurvirostridae |
Black-necked StiltHimantopus mexicanus Dutch: Amerikaanse Steltkluut Papiamentu: Kaweta di patu ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
CHARADRIIFORMES: Haematopodidae |
American OystercatcherHaematopus palliatus Dutch: Amerikaanse Bonte Scholekster Papiamentu: Kibra kokolishi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly scarce ⋅ least concern |
Black-bellied PloverPluvialis squatarola Dutch: Zilverplevier Papiamentu: Lopi shinishi ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ fairly common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
American Golden PloverPluvialis dominica Dutch: Amerikaanse Goudplevier Papiamentu: Lopi dora ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Southern LapwingVanellus chilensis Dutch: Chileense Kievit Papiamentu: Kivit sur-amerikano ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ locally fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Collared PloverVanellus chilensis Dutch: Kraagplevier Papiamentu: Lopi koyar ⋅ breeding year-round visitor ⋅ uncommon, with increased summer populations ⋅ least concern |
Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosus Dutch: Amerikaanse Strandplevier Papiamentu: Lopi blanku ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ uncommon ⋅ near threatened |
Wilson's PloverCharadrius wilsonia Dutch: Dikbekplevier Papiamentu: Lopi pik diki ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Semipalmated PloverCharadrius semipalmatus Dutch: Amerikaanse Bontbekplevier Papiamentu: Lopi semipalmado ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
Piping PloverCharadrius melodus Dutch: Dwergplevier Papiamentu: Lopi melodiko ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ near threatened |
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus Dutch: Killdeerplevier Papiamentu: Lopi killdeer ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Wattled JacanaJacana jacana Dutch: Leljacana Papiamentu: Jacana ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Upland SandpiperBartramia longicauda Dutch: Bartrams Ruiter Papiamentu: Snepi Bartram ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus Dutch: Amerikaanse Regenwulp Papiamentu: Lopi pik dobla ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Hudsonian GodwitLimosa haemastica Dutch: Rode Grutto Papiamentu: Lopi kora ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Marbled GodwitLimosa fedoa Dutch: Marmergrutto Papiamentu: No equivalent ⋅ non-breeding vagrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Ruddy TurnstoneArenaria interpres Dutch: Steenloper Papiamentu: Totolika di awa ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ fairly common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
Red KnotCalidris canutus Dutch: Kanoet Papiamentu: Snepi kora ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ near threatened |
Stilt SandpiperCalidris himantopus Dutch: Steltstrandloper Papiamentu: Snepi pia largu ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ uncommon, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
SanderlingCalidris alba Dutch: Drieteenstrandloper Papiamentu: Snepi blanku ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ fairly common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
Least SandpiperCalidris minutilla Dutch: Kleinste Strandloper Papiamentu: Snepi chiki ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
White-rumped SandpiperCalidris fuscicollis Dutch: Bonaparte's Strandloper Papiamentu: Snepi bonaparte ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Buff-breasted SandpiperCalidris subruficollis Dutch: Blonde Ruiter Papiamentu: Snepi blont boka chiki ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ near threatened |
Pectoral SandpiperCalidris melanotos Dutch: Gestreepte Strandloper Papiamentu: Snepi strepi fini ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
DunlinCalidris alpina Dutch: Bonte Strandloper Papiamentu: Snepi alpino ⋅ non-breeding vagrant ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Semipalmated SandpiperCalidris pusilla Dutch: Grijze Strandloper Papiamentu: Snepi pia pretu ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ common, with increased winter populations ⋅ near threatened |
Western SandpiperCalidris mauri Dutch: Alaskastrandloper Papiamentu: Snepi mauri ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ uncommon, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
Short-billed DowitcherLimnodromus griseus Dutch: Kleine Grijze Snip Papiamentu: Snepi gris chiki ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern ⋅ Note on identification: The Short-billed Dowitcher and the Long-billed Dowitcher are very difficult to differentiate by visual means. On Bonaire, most likely you will encounter the Short-billed Dowitcher. In order to correctly identify a Long-billed Dowitcher, its vocalization must be heard, as that will differentiate it from the Short-billed Dowitcher. |
Long-billed DowitcherLimnodromus scolopaceus Dutch: Grote Grijze Snip Papiamentu: Snepi gris grandi ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern ⋅ Note on identification: The Short-billed Dowitcher and the Long-billed Dowitcher are very difficult to differentiate by visual means. On Bonaire, most likely you will encounter the Short-billed Dowitcher. In order to correctly identify a Long-billed Dowitcher, its vocalization must be heard, as that will differentiate it from the Short-billed Dowitcher. |
Wilson's SnipeGallinago delicata Dutch: Amerikaanse Watersnip Papiamentu: Snepi di awa ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Wilson's PhalaropePhalaropus tricolor Dutch: Grote Franjepoot Papiamentu: Snepi seha grandi ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius Dutch: Amerikaanse Oeverloper Papiamentu: Snepi barika pinta ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
Solitary SandpiperTringa solitaria Dutch: Amerikaanse Bosruiter Papiamentu: Snepi solitario ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Greater YellowlegsTringa melanoleuca Dutch: Grote Geelpootruiter Papiamentu: Snepi pia hel largu ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
WilletTringa semipalmata Dutch: Willet Papiamentu: Snepi ala di strepi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Lesser YellowlegsTringa flavipes Dutch: Klein Geelpootruiter Papiamentu: Snepi pia hel chikitu ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern |
Laughing GullLeucophaeus atricilla Dutch: Lachmeeuw Papiamentu: Kahela komun ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common, with increased summer populations ⋅ least concern |
Lesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscus Dutch: Kleine Mantelmeeuw Papiamentu: Kahela lomba pretu chiki ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Brown NoddyAnous stolidus Dutch: Noddy Papiamentu: Noody bruin ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Black NoddyAnous minutus Dutch: Witkapnoddy Papiamentu: Noody pretu ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Least TernSternula antillarum Dutch: Amerikaanse Dwergstern Papiamentu: Meuchi chikitu ⋅ breeding summer visitor ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Gull-billed TernGelochelidon nilotica Dutch: Lachstern Papiamentu: Meuchi nilotiko ⋅ non-breeding summer visitor ⋅ very scarce ⋅ least concern |
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspia Dutch: Reuzenstern Papiamentu: Meuchi gigante ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Roseate TernSterna dougallii Dutch: Dougalls Stern Papiamentu: Meuchi Dougall ⋅ breeding summer visitor ⋅ scarce ⋅ least concern |
Common TernSterna hirundo Dutch: Visdief Papiamentu: Meuchi pik kora ⋅ breeding summer visitor ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Royal TernThalasseus maximus Dutch: Koningsstern Papiamentu: Meuchi real ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Sandwich Tern (Cabot's)Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidus Dutch: Amerikaanse grote stern Papiamentu: Bubi chiki ⋅ breeding summer visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Sandwich Tern (Cayenne)Thalasseus sandvicensis eurygnathus Dutch: Amerikaanse grote stern (Geelsnavelstern) Papiamentu: Bubi chiki ⋅ breeding summer visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Black SkimmerRynchops niger Dutch: Amerikaanse Schaarbek Papiamentu: Bok'i sker ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
White-winged TernChlidonias leucopterus Dutch: Witvleugelstern Papiamentu: No equivalent ⋅ vagrant, perhaps from Eurasia or Africa ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
SULIFORMES: Fregatidae |
Magnificent FrigatebirdFregata magnificens Dutch: Amerikaanse Fregatvogel Papiamentu: Makwaka ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Masked BoobySula dactylatra Dutch: Maskergent Papiamentu: Bubi ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare onshore, more often observed offshore by ship ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Brown BoobySula leucogaster Dutch: Bruine Gent Papiamentu: Bubi ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Red-footed BoobySula sula Dutch: Roodpootboebie Papiamentu: Bubi bala ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare, most often observed far off-shore and out to sea ⋅ least concern |
SULIFORMES: Phalacrocoracidae |
Neotropic CormorantPhalacrocorax brasilianus Dutch: Bigua Aalscholver Papiamentu: Dekla ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Brown PelicanPelecanus occidentalis Dutch: Bruine Pelikaan Papiamentu: Ganshi ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
ARDEINAE: Ardeidae |
Great Blue HeronArdea herodias Dutch: Amerikaanse Blauwe Reiger Papiamentu: Garsa blou grandi ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Great Blue Heron, Great White (white morph)Ardea herodias occidentalis Dutch: Amerikaanse Blauwe Reiger Papiamentu: Garsa blou grandi ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ endangered |
Great EgretArdea alba Dutch: Grote Zilverreiger Papiamentu: Garsa blanku grandi ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Snowy EgretEgretta thula Dutch: Amerikaanse Kleine Zilverreiger Papiamentu: Garsa blanku chiki ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Little Blue HeronEgretta caerulea Dutch: Kleine Blauwe Reiger Papiamentu: Garsa blou chiki ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Tricolored HeronEgretta tricolor Dutch: Witbuikreiger Papiamentu: Garsa barika blanku ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Reddish EgretEgretta rufescens Dutch: Roodhalsreiger Papiamentu: Garsa Kora ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ near threatened |
Western Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis Dutch: Koereiger Papiamentu: Baka di awa ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Green HeronButorides virescens Dutch: Groene Reiger Papiamentu: Galina di awa ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Striated HeronButorides striata Dutch: Mangrovereiger Papiamentu: Galina di awa strepia ⋅ non-breeding year-round visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Black-crowned Night-HeronNycticorax nycticorax Dutch: Kwak Papiamentu: Krabe bachi pretu ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Yellow-crowned Night-HeronNyctanassa violacea Dutch: Geelkruinkwak Papiamentu: Krabe korona hel ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Whistling HeronSyrigma sibilatrix Dutch: Fluitreger Papiamentu: Garsa fluitdo ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellus Dutch: Zwarte Ibis Papiamentu: Ibis pretu ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Black VultureCoragyps atratus Dutch: Zwarte Gier Papiamentu: Zamuro pretu ⋅ non-breeding visitor or vagrant ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
OspreyPandion haliaetus Dutch: Visarend Papiamentu: Gabilan piskado ⋅ non-breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common, with increased winter populations ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
White-tailed KiteElanus leucurus Dutch: Amerikaanse Grijze Wouw Papiamentu: Milano rabu blanku ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare, with only one individual observed on Bonaire ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Snail KiteRostrhamus sociabilis Dutch: Slakkenwouw Papiamentu: No known equivalent ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ very rare, with only one individual observed on Bonaire ⋅ least concern |
Barn OwlTyto alba Dutch: Kerkuil Papiamentu: Palabrua ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
White-tailed NightjarHydropsalis cayennensis Dutch: Witstaartnachtzwaluw Papiamentu: Tapa kaminda menor ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ rather common ⋅ least concern |
Common NighthawkChordeiles minor Dutch: Amerikaanse nachtzwaluw Papiamentu: Tapa kaminda merikano ⋅ non-breeding stop-over migrant ⋅ uncommon to rare ⋅ least concern |
CORACIIFORMES: Alcedinidae |
Belted KingfisherMegaceryle alcyon Dutch: Bandijsvogel Papiamentu: Kabes grandi ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Crested CaracaraCaracara plancus Dutch: Noordelijke Kuifcaracara Papiamentu: Warawara ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
MerlinFalco columbarius Dutch: Smelleken Papiamentu: Kinikini grandi ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus Dutch: Slechtvalk Papiamentu: Falki peregrino ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Yellow-shouldered ParrotAmazona barbadensis rothschildi Dutch: Geelvleugelamazone Papiamentu: Lora ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ vulnerable Juvenile "Begging" Call: Flock calls: Flight Calls: Learn more |
Brown-throated ParakeetEupsittula pertinax xanthogenia Dutch: Maisparkiet Papiamentu: Prikichi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern Call: Flight calls: Learn more... |
Caribbean ElaeniaElaenia martinica Dutch: Witbuikelenia Papiamentu: Chonchorogai ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Northern Scrub-FlycatcherSublegatus arenarum Dutch: Noordelijke Struikvliegenpikker Papiamentu: Chonchorogai ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Brown-crested FlycatcherMyiarchus tyrannulus Dutch: Cayennetiran Papiamentu: Chonchorogai ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Tropical KingbirdTyrannus melancholicus Dutch: Tropische Koningstiran Papiamentu: Pimpiri hel ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Gray KingbirdTyrannus dominicensis Dutch: Grijze Koningstiran Papiamentu: Pimpiri gris ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Fork-tailed FlycatcherTyrannus savana Dutch: Vorkstaartkoningstiran Papiamentu: Pimpiri rab'i souchi ⋅ non-breeding summer visitor ⋅ fairly uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Red-eyed VireoVireo olivaceus Dutch: Roodoogvireo Papiamentu: Vireo wowo kora ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Black-whiskered VireoVireo altiloquus Dutch: Baardvireo Papiamentu: Vireo patia pretu ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
PASSERIFORMES: Hirundinidae |
Purple MartinProgne subis Dutch: Purperzwaluw Papiamentu: Souchi grandi blou ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Bank Swallow (Sand Martin)Riparia riparia Dutch: Oeverzwaluw Papiamentu: Souchi ribera ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Barn SwallowHirundo rustica Dutch: Boerenzwaluw Papiamentu: Souchi ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Blue-and-white SwallowPygochelidon cyanoleuca Dutch: Blauw-witte zwaluw Papiamentu: no equivalent ⋅ non-breeding vagrant ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern Learn more... |
Swainson's ThrushCatharus fuscescens Dutch: Veery Papiamentu: Chuchubi garganta hel ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Pearly-eyed ThrasherMargarops fuscatus Dutch: Witoogspotlijster Papiamentu: Chuchubi wowo blanku ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern Calls: Song: |
Tropical MockingbirdMimus gilvus Dutch: Tropische Spotlijster Papiamentu: Chuchubi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
House SparrowPasser domesticus Dutch: Huismus Papiamentu: Para di Jonchi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern ⋅ introduced |
PASSERIFORMES: Passerellidae |
Grasshopper SparrowAmmodramus savannarum caribaeus Dutch: Sprinkhaangors Papiamentu: Mofi di sabana ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ uncommon ⋅ although the bird is generally considered to be of least concern, the subspecies caribaeus which is found in small numbers on Bonaire, and in smaller numbers on Curacao, is under threat. In a 2018 study, it was estimated that about 20 Grasshopper Sparrows of the caribaeus subspecies remained on Bonaire. |
BobolinkDolichonyx oryzivorus Dutch: Bobolink Papiamentu: Para di ana ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Venezuelan TroupialIcterus icterus Dutch: Oranje Troepiaal Papiamentu: Trupial ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern ⋅ introduced |
Yellow OrioleIcterus nigrogularis Dutch: Gele Troepiaal Papiamentu: Trupial kacho ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern Song: Juvenile "Begging" Call: |
Baltimore OrioleIcterus galbula Dutch: Baltimoretroepiaal Papiamentu: Trupial di Baltimore ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Carib GrackleQuiscalus lugubris Dutch: Caribische Troepiaal Papiamentu: Chuchubi pretu ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern Call: Song: |
Yellow-hooded BlackbirdChrysomus icterocephalus Dutch: Geelkaptroepiaal Papiamentu: Trupial pretu kabes hel ⋅ non-breeding visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Northern WaterthrushParkesia noveboracensis Dutch: Noordse Waterlijster Papiamentu: Chipe di suela norteno ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern |
Prothonotary WarblerProtonotaria citrea Dutch: Citroenzanger Papiamentu: Chipe protonotario ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Common YellowthroatGeothlypis trichas Dutch: Gewone maskerzanger Papiamentu: Maskarita komun ⋅ non-breeding winter visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ low concern |
American RedstartSetophaga ruticilla Dutch: Amerikaanse Roodstart Papiamentu: Rabu kora ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Cape May WarblerSetophaga tigrina Dutch: Tijgerzanger Papiamentu: Chipe Kabo May ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Northern ParulaSetophaga americana Dutch: Brilparulazanger Papiamentu: Chipe parula ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Blackburnian WarblerSetophaga fusca Dutch: Sparrenzanger Papiamentu: Chipe Blackburn ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Yellow WarblerSetophaga petechia Dutch: Gele Zanger Papiamentu: Para di misa ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Blackpoll WarblerSetophaga striata Dutch: Zwartkopzanger Papiamentu: Chipe pechi pretu ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon ⋅ least concern |
Prairie WarblerSetophaga pradera Dutch: Prairiezanger Papiamentu: Chipe pradera ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Yellow-rumped WarblerSetophaga coronata Dutch: Geelstuitzanger Papiamentu: Chipe korona di oro ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
Hooded WarblerSetophaga citrina Dutch: Monnikszanger Papiamentu: Chipe belo pretu ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ uncommon to rare ⋅ least concern |
Canada WarblerCardellina canadensis Dutch: Canadese Zanger Papiamentu: Chipe canades ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ very rare ⋅ least concern |
PASSERIFORMES: Cardinalidae |
Scarlet TanagerPiranga olivacea Dutch: Zwartvleugeltangare Papiamentu: Tanagra kora ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Rose-breasted GrosbeakPheucticus ludovicianus Dutch: Roodborstkardinaal Papiamentu: Pik grandi barika ros ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Indigo BuntingPasserina cyanea Dutch: Indigogors Papiamentu: Para indigo ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
DickcisselSpiza americana Dutch: Dickcissel Papiamentu: Para di ana dashi gris ⋅ non-breeding migrant visitor ⋅ rare ⋅ least concern |
Saffron FinchSicalis flaveola Dutch: Gewone Saffraangors Papiamentu: Kanari ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ fairly common ⋅ least concern ⋅ introduced Song: Call: Juvenile "Begging" Call: |
BananaquitCoereba flaveola Dutch: Suikerdiefje Papiamentu: Barika hel or Chibichibi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
Black-faced GrassquitMelanospiza bicolor Dutch: Maskergrondvink Papiamentu: Mofi ⋅ breeding year-round resident ⋅ common ⋅ least concern |
The Vagrant White-winged Tern
Although this sighting on Bonaire is not the first vagrant sighting of the White-winged Tern in the Caribbean, it IS the first sighting for the ABC islands–Aruba, Bonaire, or Curacao–so it’s a very
The Secret Life of Terns–Courtship Behaviors
They do not sneak in, one by one or two by two, but they seem to arrive en masse! One day they are not here, and it seems that, overnight, the island is mobbed by the arriving gulls and terns. While North American
Bonaire’s Parrot Population Stable after 2020 Count
Over 108 volunteers left their cozy beds in the wee hours of January 25, 2020, to help with the annual parrot count, conducted each year by Echo Conservation Centre to gauge the population of Bonaire’s Yellow-
Hudsonian Godwits Make a Rest Stop on Bonaire
Hudsonian Godwits undertake a long migration twice each year, from the sub-arctic all the way to the southern part of South America. Bonaire provides an excellent mid-way point for a
Bonaire’s Flamingo, the Island’s Icon
Flamingos can be found at many locations around Bonaire, but dense concentrations occur at Pekelmeer in the south of Bonaire, Lac Bay, and also at Gotomeer, in the north of Bonaire. There are
Yellow-Shouldered Parrot? Brown-Throated Parakeet?
Many visitors to Bonaire see a flash of green in their gardens or on the road while driving and assume they have successfully observed the Lora, as Bonaire’s Yellow-shouldered Amazon Parrot
The Rare Striated Heron Observed on Bonaire
The Striated Heron is a rare visitor from South America, with only six prior recorded sightings on Bonaire in the last forty years. At first glance, this small heron might be confused with the
For a complete listing of the birds of Bonaire, refer to the the latest field guide:
Field Guide
Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao is the essential guide for anyone traveling to Bonaire. This book, published in 2017, showcases the more than 280 species seen on the ABC Islands and provides descriptions of and directions to the best places to bird, from the famous white sand beaches to hidden watering holes to the majestic national parks.
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